Our Vision: Insurance Markets That Work for Everyone

Our Mission: Creating an insurance and risk financing system that enables climate-challenged communities and energy transition projects to manage the risks that threaten their success.

Insurance is the most efficient way to finance climate risks, but the current market is struggling to fulfill its central purpose. Insurance is in danger of becoming irrelevant to individuals, enterprises, and communities impacted by worsening climate-driven risks. Now is the time, for insurance to lead the charge in reimagining the future of risk management.

Our Work is Grounded in Four Impact Pillars

By focusing on these four pillars, we create measurable impacts in the battle against climate change.

  • Close Protection Gaps

  • Accelerate Energy Transition

  • Facilitate Community Resilience

  • Promote Nature+ Practices

InnSure offers market-making and market-supporting innovation programs that drive impact.

Incubation & Acceleration

We support insurance innovators working across the insurance value chain.

  • Insurance innovation prize challenge project management

  • Cohort-based and/or individual innovator acceleration programs.

  • Support for climate relevant Insurtechs (transition or adaptation)

  • Support for climate techs seeking to sell into insurance or integrate with InsureTech solutions

Insurability Planning

We help community leaders influence insurance markets by integrating insurability planning into economic development planning.

  • Project management for pilots and demonstration projects.

  • Enabled by InnSure's Total-Cost-of-Risk analysis tools and methods.

  • Risk based methods to prioritize and optimize resilience investments.

  • Pathways to quickly and fully capture value of resilience investments in insurance markets that are not serving communities well

Ecosystem Development & Engagement

We support stakeholders engaging across traditional boundaries to amplify and accelerate innovation.

  • Custom engagements and corporate innovation focused memberships

  • Curated ecosystem engagement

  • Ecosystem market mapping and consulting

  • InnSure Corps Professional Networking

InnSure Supporters

USFCR Verified Vendor