InnSure News and Events
InnSure News
InnSure selected by the New York State Energy Research & Development Authority
We're excited to announce that InnSure has been selected to manage NYSERDA's $6.5 million Insurance Innovation Program to fund climate risk insurance innovators!
Chris Lowell Joins Creation Labs
We are pleased to announce that Chris Lowell has teamed up with innSure as Managing Director of the Creation Labs initiative.
InnSure partners with Vitech to launch not-for-profit
Innovation Underwriters (IU), a new not-for-profit with a mission to foster new ventures in the insurance industry, announced today they would partner with insurance software provider Vitech to officially launch the insurance collaborative.
InnSure Corps GreenieRE
March 1, 2024 1:00PM ET
Follow link to view recording
InnSure Corps
MeetUp - Boston
March 14, 2024 3:00PM ET
CIC in Cambridge, Kendall Square
New Member Orientation & Prospective Member Information Session
December 7, 2023 1:00PM-2:00PM ET
To streamline our InnSure Corps updates to chapter leaders and our prospective members, we will be hosting a webinar …
How Can We Address The Wildfire Protection Gap?
May 25, 2023 9-10AM PT/ 12-1PM ET
As wildfires become more frequent and intense due to climate change, insurance companies, consumers, and businesses are struggling to keep up. InnSure invites you to join our panel of experts…
Can Community-Embedded Insurance Supercharge Climate Change Resiliency in Communities?
June 20, 2023 9-10AM PT/ 12-1PM ET
Communities face an ever increasing risk of climate-related events resulting in loss of property, lives and displaced citizens and lengthy recoveries. Most vulnerable populations and the public sector suffer the most…