Creation Labs Green
This is limited opportunity to support the Creation Labs Green initiative. Sponsor organizations will be supporting:
A focused research project designed to identify, vet and prioritise high growth opportunities at the intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental stewardship.
A half day interactive summit (June 2021)
Presentation of redacted and anonymized research
Expert panel discussing intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental issues
Working session to explore opportunities highlighted in research.
Startup showcase.
Tour Cambridge Innovation Center
Dinner in Kendall Square Cambridge, MA
This is an initial step for a broader ESG initiative.
This is limited opportunity to support the Creation Labs Green initiative. Sponsor organizations will be supporting:
A focused research project designed to identify, vet and prioritise high growth opportunities at the intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental stewardship.
A half day interactive summit (June 2021)
Presentation of redacted and anonymized research
Expert panel discussing intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental issues
Working session to explore opportunities highlighted in research.
Startup showcase.
Tour Cambridge Innovation Center
Dinner in Kendall Square Cambridge, MA
This is an initial step for a broader ESG initiative.
This is limited opportunity to support the Creation Labs Green initiative. Sponsor organizations will be supporting:
A focused research project designed to identify, vet and prioritise high growth opportunities at the intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental stewardship.
A half day interactive summit (June 2021)
Presentation of redacted and anonymized research
Expert panel discussing intersection of insurance, innovation and environmental issues
Working session to explore opportunities highlighted in research.
Startup showcase.
Tour Cambridge Innovation Center
Dinner in Kendall Square Cambridge, MA
This is an initial step for a broader ESG initiative.
Research Methodology
Interview 15+ leaders/SMEs from insurance industry to identify insurance challenges and opportunities related to high-growth green trends.
Interview of 15+ leaders/SMEs from outside the insurance industry to identify green related growth opportunities for the insurance industry.
Review of ESG posture as communicated on websites, SEC filings and other public statements from 30+ insurance providers.
Green Summit (June 2021)
Presentation of redacted and anonymized readout results.
Expert panel to discuss findings in the report.
Expert facilitated working session to further explore collaboration opportunities related to opportunities highlighted in the report.
Startup showcase
Ways to Engage
Strategic Launch Partner
Recognition as a Strategic Launch Partner level sponsor on website initiative page, outgoing communications across multiple channels including press release, at the summit and in the research reports.
Early access to research readout (presentation) and executive summary report highlighting specific insurance-related opportunities and broader themes.
2 Seats at summit
Private debrief & early opportunity to participate in launch of specific projects identified in research readout.
Research Partner
Sponsor recognition as a Research Partner level Sponsor on website initiative page, outgoing communications across multiple channels including in the research reports.
Early access to research readout (presentation) and executive summary report highlighting specific insurance-related opportunities and broader themes.
2 Seats at summit
Private debrief & early opportunity to participate in launch of specific projects identified in research readout.
Green Summit Host Benefits
Sponsor recognition as a Green Summit Host Level Sponsor on website initiative page, outgoing communications across multiple channels including at the summit.
Early access to research readout (presentation) and executive summary report highlighting specific insurance-related opportunities and broader themes.
1 Seat at summit
Summit Participant + Research Report
Early access to research readout (presentation) and executive summary report highlighting specific insurance-related opportunities and broader themes.
1 Seats at summit
Early opportunities to participate in launch of specific project opportunities identified in research readout.
Research Report Only
Early access and discounted pre-purchase price for research readout (presentation) and executive summary report highlighting specific insurance-related opportunities and broader themes.